Granite State News

May 4, 2023 Letter to the Editor

The Board of Friends of the Libby Museum, Inc. wish to explain the situation of their support for the planned Libby Museum restoration. First, a summary of efforts up to the 2023 Town of Wolfeboro Warrant vote:

  • Hundreds of Libby Museum supporters helped the Friends raise $2.2 million for the restoration project.  It took us nearly four years but we raised it all as required before the March 14, 2023 Town Warrant Article vote.  We thank you so much for being with us in reaching our goal.

  • A majority of Wolfeboro voters were in favor of the Town providing $1.4 million for restoration, but it narrowly missed the 60% threshold needed for the Town to fund it through a bond/loan.

The consequence is the Town of Wolfeboro was not able to raise its share of the restoration cost, and funds donated to The Friends must be returned. The Libby Museum restoration was dependent on both the Town and the Friends raising their respective shares in 2023. A Town-wide mailing prior to the vote explained this to all Wolfeboro residents.

Now the Board of the Friends of the Libby Museum is arranging to return the donated funds which will take several months to complete. 

The Wolfeboro Selectmen, who are also the Libby Trustees, are soliciting engineering advice to determine which known repairs should be prioritized and can be done with the relatively small sum that is held already by the Town. Without additional funding, presumably through a future Tax Warrant, many of the expected benefits of the modernized museum building won’t be achieved.

The Board of Friends of the Libby Museum takes this moment to express how deeply grateful we are for your support throughout, and for your deep belief in The Libby Museum’s importance.

Tom Goodwin, Chair, on Behalf of the Friends of the Libby Museum, Inc. Board

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